About Solitary Pursuits

Many a times when we get stuck on something and the only way to move forward and forget and remember at the same time to write about it. Here’s goes a few of those experiences that I would love to share with you.

I love solving problems, designing backend architecture and discussing business strategy.

At the moment, building blockchain and DLT products at Acyclic Labs, building communities at Blockchained India, IEN, BangPypers and DjangoGirls Bangalore. Open Source enthusiasts and run several open source projects.

I love music and anime and during my travels, reading books.

A few more place to find more about me: * Website * Wordpress * Medium

Connect with me on social platforms: * Twitter * LinkedIn * Facebook * SoundCloud

-- Posted on 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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